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Gérard Terronès: The Blues Jazz Museum (1965–1966)

Pierre Crépon

This listing compiles groups announced at the Blues Jazz Museum club in Jazz Hot and Jazz Magazine. This work served as the basis for a history of Terronès’s clubs. [1]

Operated by Gérard and Odile Terronès, the Blues Jazz Museum was located at 7, rue des Deux-Ponts in Paris. Its opening was advertised in the September 1965 issue of Jazz Hot (pp. 49, 51). The last program listing to appear in Jazz Hot was in the July–August 1966 issue (p. 41), indicating that programs were valid until July 15.

For most of its lifespan, the club was open nightly except on Mondays, for matinees and nights, closing at dawn. Groups were booked on a monthly basis and assigned weekdays, roughly divided between different styles. When not featuring live music, the club operated as a discotheque and hosted jam sessions. Details on those activities are fragmentary and, therefore, have been excluded.

The data presented should be considered as partial and conditional. Discrepancies exist between Jazz Hot and Jazz Magazine listings, particularly for the first months of operation. Efforts have been made to select the most complete data.

Blues Jazz Museum sessions were not reviewed in Jazz Hot or Jazz Magazine.

When sessions feature multiple groups, they are separated by semicolons. Groups and soloists listed as separate entities in sources are indicated as such, using “with” or “featuring.” Titled events are listed between quotes.

Groups Announced at the Blues Jazz Museum (1965–1966) in Jazz Hot and Jazz Magazine

October 1965 [Tuesday–Friday or Saturday]François Tusques Trio.
October 1965 [Sunday]New Orleans Dippers.
November 1965 [Tuesday–Thursday]Charlie Paris Quartet.
November 1965 [Thursday (matinee), Saturday (matinee)]Jean Schultheis Quartet.
November 1965 [Friday–Saturday]New Orleans Dippers.
December 1965 [Tuesday]Henri Texier Quartet.
December 1965 [Wednesday]Hal Singer All-Stars.
December 1965 [Thursday–Friday, Sunday]Charlie Paris Quartet.
December 1965 [Saturday]New Orleans Dippers.
January 1966 [Wednesday]Joseph Reinhardt Trio.
January 1966 [Thursday]Mal Waldron Trio.
January 1966 [Friday]Hal Singer Quartet.
January 1966 [Saturday]New Orleans Dippers.
February 1966 [Wednesday]Joseph Reinhardt Trio.
February 1966 [Thursday]Henri Texier Quintet.
February 1966 [Friday]Hal Singer Quartet.
February 1966 [Saturday]Bootleggers.
February 1966 [Sunday]Mal Waldron Trio.
March 1966 [Wednesday]Mal Waldron Trio.
March 1966 [Thursday]Les Briaval.
March 1966 [Friday]Jacques Masson Quintet.
March 1966 [Saturday]Bootleggers.
March 1966 [Sunday]Mal Waldron Trio.
April 1966 [Wednesday]Joseph Reinhardt Trio.
April 1966 [Thursday (matinee)]Jean Musy Trio.
April 1966 [Thursday]Ron Jefferson Trio.
April 1966 [Friday]Jacques Masson Quintet.
April 1966 [Saturday]Bootleggers.
April 1966 [Sunday (matinee)]Claude Préchac Quartet.
May 1966 [Wednesday]Lousson Reinhardt Quartet.
May 1966 [Thursday (matinee)]Jean Musy Trio.
May 1966 [Thursday]Michel Edelin Quartet.
May 1966 [Friday]François Tusques Quartet.
May 1966 [Saturday]Bootleggers.
May 1966 [Sunday (matinee, night)]Claude Préchac Quartet.
June 1966 [Tuesday]Jean Bonal Trio.
June 1966 [Wednesday]Michel Edelin Quartet.
June 1966 [Thursday]Benoît Charvet Trio; Nina Edises Trio.
June 1966 [Friday–Saturday]Lousson Reinhardt Quartet.
June 1966 [Sunday (matinee, night)]New Orleans Roll-Mops.
July 1966 [Monday]Jean Bonal Trio.
July 1966 [Wednesday]Vincent Lespagnol Quintet.
July 1966 [Thursday]BenoƮt Charvet Quartet.
July 1966 [Friday]Michel Edelin Quartet.
July 1966 [Saturday]Jazz O’Maniacs.

Index of Musicians


The primary sources consulted were every issue of Jazz Hot and Jazz Magazine between September 1965 and July–August 1966.


[1] Pierre Crépon, “Once Upon a Time in Paris,” The Wire 412 (June 2018): 36–41.

Author Information: 
Pierre Crépon is an independent researcher based in France. He has written for The Wire, New York City Jazz Record, Point of Departure, and Improjazz, among others. His research deals with the history of avant-garde jazz, with a particular focus on the American and French scenes of the sixties and seventies.

This listing compiles groups announced at the Blues Jazz Museum club in Jazz Hot and Jazz Magazine.

Gérard Terronès, Blues Jazz Museum, Paris, France, nightclubs, jazz

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