Current Research in Jazz
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Volume 13 (2021)

Volume 13 of Current Research in Jazz features two examples of jazz chronology research, each approaching the field from a different perspective. Chronology, at its heart, presents a record of the coordinated interactions between performers, venues, and event dates (with relevant citations). The first example here uses the performing venue as its organizing principle and over the course of the venue’s existence shows the performers who passed throgh it, while the second example takes as a focus one particular musician-bandleader, revealing the multitude of venues that, over a period of time, hosted the same artist.

Entirely by coincidence, both articles feature connections to Canada, although trumpeter Maynard Ferguson was residing permanently in the United States by the time period in question and only some of those appearing at Montreal’s Jazz Workshop were Canadian artists.

The Jazz Workshop/L’Atelier de jazz (1966–1968)

Pierre Crépon

Maynard Ferguson’s Birdland Dream Band: A Performance Chronology of the Years 1960–1961

Thomas Herb

For further information, please contact: Michael Fitzgerald

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